Friday, November 27, 2009


Author :- Jaymala

Experimentation is the most scientifically sophisticated research method. It is defined as attending under dominated conditions.

It studies
observable changes that takes locate in visit to found a cause and gist relationship.

It is the description and psychotherapy of what module be what module occur or what crapper be made to occur under carefully dominated conditions.

Experimentation consists in the wilful and dominated modification of the condition determining an event, and in the attending and rendering of the changes that occur in the vent itself.

Experimental research provides a systematic and formal method for answering the question”. When digit engages in empiric research, digit does not merely describe a condition, watch the status of something, or chronicle past events.

Instead of confining activities to observing and describing what exists, digit deliberately manipulates destined factors under highly dominated conditions to ascertain how and ground a particular condition or event occurs.

Experimentation is a type of educational research in which the policeman controls the educative factors to which a child or assemble of children is subjected during the period of inquiry and observes the resulting achievement.

He must
start the research with whatever activity of the initial attainment of the assemble to the empiric factor, such as the particular type of drill material in arithmetic, for the continuance of the experiment.

At the end, he applies a final effort for the purpose of determining the gain in achievement that has resulted from the application of the empiric factor. Experimental method is the application and adaptation of the Hellenic method of the science laboratory.

It haw also be defined as the think of the relationships among variables those manipulated and those measured. It simple enables the scientist to improve the conditions under which the scientist observes and thus to arrive at a more precise results.

The law of azygos uncertain formulated by J.S.Mill must be satisfied in every experiment. The law state that if digit situations are similar in every respect and digit element is added to or deducted from situations are digit but not the other, any assorted that develops is the result of the operation of that element added or subtracted.

If a hypothesis and its deduced consequences are well conceived, digit factors are exactly identified:
1. An autarkical variable, and
2. A interdependent variable.

Some investigators apply assorted names to these factors such as
  • Cause and effect
  • Stimulus and response
  • Antecedent and consequent
  • Experimental uncertain and behavior variable
  • Treatment and effect.
VARIABLES are the conditions or characteristics that the experimenter manipulates or observes. The INDEPENDENT VARIABLE are the conditions that the experimenter manipulates in his attempt to ascertain their relationship to observed phenomena. E.g.; doctrine method, doctrine material, reward, etc.

The DEPENDENT VARIABLES are the condition that appear, disappear or change as the experimenter introduces, removes or changes autarkical variables. E.g.; the effort score, sort of errors, etc. The experimenter constructs an research in which he attempts to curb all conditions except the autarkical uncertain which he manipulates.

ORGANISMIC OR ATTRUBULE VARIABLES are characteristic which cannot be altered. Eg; age, sex, race, etc. INTERVENING VARIABLES are variables which cannot be measured directly but have a significant role or gist on the outcome. E.g.; motivation, fatigue, anxiety, etc.

EXTRANEOUS VARIABLES are the uncontrolled variables which are not manipulated by the experimenter but impact the interdependent variable. Eg; teacher competence, enthusiasm, etc.

Experimentation is a dominated observation. The most important task that the scientist faces in an research is to attain curb over all factors that affect the interdependent variable.

Intervening variables are isolated so that they haw affect the interdependent variable. Not exclusive intervening variables are to be isolated but it is also to be ascertained how much it contributed. The ratio is not exclusive ascertained in terms of larger or small but also in quantitative terms.

It has to be remembered that in educational research high honor of curb is not possible in laboratory situation.

The scientist directs efforts towards controlling the variables which are related to the autarkical uncertain otherwise it module be difficult to ascertain which is responsible for gist on interdependent variable. The following methods are used for controlling.

Random assignment of subjects.
  • Matching subjects with random assignments.
  • Random assignment on the basis of homogenous selection.
  • Techniques of psychotherapy of co-variance.
  • Method of using subjects as their own controls.
In the empiric method manipulation is done to set the stage for the occurrence of the bourgeois whose performance is to be unnatural under conditions in which all the other factors are controlled.

Variables which crapper be
manipulated haw be method of teaching, attitudes, socio-economic status, classroom environment, personality characteristics and types of motivation.

Another element of the empiric method is that the gist of the manipulation of autarkical uncertain on the interdependent uncertain is unnatural or observed. The technique of attending is to be applied if activity is not possible.

In spite of attempts of controlling extraneous variables, whatever extraneous uncertain and whatever discrepancies rest and impact the results. Thus copy is a matter of conducting a sort of sub-experiments within the framework of an coverall empiric change.

Two types of validity are involved
Internal validity:
It is the minimum without which an research is useless. The pivotal point is whether the autarkical uncertain created the gist on the interdependent variable. It effectuation that whatever uncontrolled extraneous factors do not affect the interdependent variable.

External validity:
The pivotal point is what is the applicability of the findings beyond the limits of particular experiment.

Experimental method takes various forms. The most important and commonly used forms are as follows.

The law of the azygos uncertain has always provided the basis for this. In this research the policeman creates a situation with the exact condition he desired to have and in which he controls whatever and manipulates other variables.

The major
difference between field research and laboratory research is that of the nature of setting and honor of control.

Artificially created and naturally subjected to greater curb and manipulation. Formidable apparatus. Because of artificiality of the laboratory any conclusion based on laboratory research has to be verified before being implemented or extended to the generalized population.

In field experiments data is appraised in the field which is its natural setting. This is frequently seen in experiments in ethnic sciences like education and psychology. Greenwood mentions the pure, the uncontrolled, the trial and error, the ex post facto form of research and the dominated observational study.

Experimental design is the blue print of the procedures that enable the scientist to effort hypothesis by reaching valid conclusions about relationships between the autarkical and the interdependent variables.

Experimental designs vary in complexness and adequacy depending on such factors as the nature of the difficulty under investigation, the nature of data, the facilities for carrying discover the study, and especially the research sophistication and ability of the investigator.

SINGLE – GROUP DESIGN: (One assemble method)
It consists of scrutiny the ontogeny of a azygos assemble under digit assorted sets of conditions – i.e., of subjecting the assemble successively to an empiric and to a curb bourgeois equal periods of time and then scrutiny the outcomes.

Test the group; introduce method A; effort the assemble again; and note the gains. Allow for a period of transition. Test the assemble again; introduce method B; effort the assemble once more; note the gains. Compare the gains in 1 and 3.

รผ It permits the research to be conducted by teacher in his own classroom without assistance.
รผ It seems to make a fair attempt at equating the factors.

รป It fails to curb many non-experimental variables.
รป The students haw not be equally motivated by the digit methods nor the teacher equally trenchant and avid about both.
The digit assemble method unless handled with great care, the research haw easily give undue credit to the autarkical uncertain causing changes and overlook other conditions.

PARALLEL – GROUP DESIGN: (Equivalent-group method)
It is designed to overcome destined difficulties encountered in the one-group design. Here the relative personalty of digit treatments are compared on the basis of digit groups which are equated in all germane aspects. The second assemble which is called the curb assemble serves as a reference from which comparisons are made. The basic assemble design is as follows:

Experimental Control

Pre-test Pre-test
Experimental bourgeois Control bourgeois
Final effort Final test
Comparison of gains

When the empiric and curb assemble are exclusive roughly equal in germane factors, it haw be possible to conduct investigation by rotating the groups at oscillating intervals. It is commonly engaged in situations where a limited sort of subjects are available.

Stage 1 Stage 2
Group A: IV1 Group A: IV2
Group B: IV2 Group B: IV1
Thus the scientist applies the same autarkical variables to assorted groups at assorted nowadays during the experiment.

This method permits the simultaneous evaluation of the personalty of a sort of factors taken singly and in interaction with digit another. Among the more ordinary approaches to multi-variate psychotherapy are Latin squares, Greek squares, randomized blocks and confounding designs. Multivariate psychotherapy constitutes in most cases, a more trenchant approach than the traditional method. Because of complexness these empiric designs order knowledge of statistics.

The procedures of an research are to be executed with the large care; otherwise the empiric impact becomes valueless. The following list module give a more broad picture of the impact digit haw have to do:

Identifying, defining and delimiting the problem:
the difficulty should be amenable to experimentation. The variables to be investigated should be defines in effective terms.

Reviewing the literature:
after selecting the problem, the related literature and experiments should be reviewed and the method of approach or the empiric design to be pursued should be planned and outlined.

Formulating hypothesis and deducing the consequences:
the difficulty has to be regenerate into a hypothesis that crapper be verified or refuted by the empiric data.

Drawing up the empiric design:
this country should locate primary emphasis on the questions of control, randomization, replication, locate of the experiment, continuance of the experiment, selecting of constructing and validating instruments to measure the outcomes of the experiment, and conducting pilot or trial run tests to perfect instruments or designs.

Defining the population:
it is needed to define the accumulation exactly so that there crapper be no discourse about the accumulation to which the conclusions are to apply. It haw consist of selecting a sample of subjects to represent a given population, and grouping or pairing subjects to secure homogeneity.

Carrying discover the study:
it is needed here to insist on close adherence plans and empiric design. This module involve controlling uncertain or non-experimental factors, applying the empiric bourgeois or factors, and keeping a careful record of steps in the procedure.

Measuring the outcomes:
careful consideration must be given to the selection of the criterion on the basis of which the results are to be measured.

Analyzing and rendering the outcomes:
the results pertaining to factors under think should be clearly noted. The danger of other extraneous uncontrolled factors moving the research should be properly recognized and avoided.

psychotherapy of data demands expert ingest of statistical procedures. Only then the psychotherapy becomes the basis for valid interpretation.

Drawing up the conclusion:
the conclusions of the think must be restricted to the accumulation actually covered; care must be taken not to over generalize the results. The results also lie exclusive to the condition under which they were derived.

Care must be taken to
restrict the conclusions to the conditions actually present in the experiment. The experimenter must not fail to recognize the limitations underlying his conclusions.

Reporting the results:
the think should be reported in sufficient detail so that the reader crapper make judgment as to its adequacy.